
Showing posts from July, 2021

What is NOT Included in New Jersey Child Support Payments?

  When spouses first discover that they will be required to make child support payments, they may worry about what exactly these payments will cover. How many expenses will they need to pay for their child? What is covered, and what is not? Where is the line drawn, and when can you avoid paying for things that are clearly unnecessary and outside the scope of normal “care?” All of these questions and many others can be answered by a qualified,  experienced child support attorney in New Jersey . Choose a lawyer who is specifically experienced with matters relating to child support, and you will stand a much better chance of reaching a positive legal outcome. Truth be told,  many  things can potentially be covered by child support payments. In fact, it is easier to list what is  not  covered by these payments in New Jersey: Fancy Meals at Restaurants Every Day Food costs are considered an important part of a non-custodial parent’s child support obligations. This is meant to cover costs li

New Jersey’s Long-Term Care Crisis Prompts Legal Changes

  Although the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed many weak spots in our society, one of the most worrying is the vulnerability of long-term care facilities across the United States. New Jersey is no exception to this rule, and many frail and vulnerable people suffered greatly during this crisis. Issues have become quite clear, but what is the government doing to address this problem? While steps are being taken to tackle the problem, some are wondering if it is too little, too late. Perhaps you are currently living in an assisted living home, a retirement home, a long-term care facility, or another similar facility. If you are a  senior citizen in New Jersey , you are entitled to a number of inalienable rights. This past crisis has highlighted the fact that the government and private organizations are fully capable of violating these rights when they see fit. In order to hold these negligent parties accountable, it makes sense to hire a lawyer who is  familiar with elder law . New Jersey H

What is the Difference Between Adoption and Guardianship in New Jersey?

Taking a child under your wing is one of the most rewarding things you can do, especially if that child has lost their parents or has been suffering in an unsafe environment. In New Jersey,  there are a number of different ways in which you can welcome a child into your family . One is adoption, and the other is guardianship. So what is the difference between these two legal concepts? Which one should you choose? Are there certain benefits for either route? All of these questions and many others can be answered by a qualified, experienced family law attorney in New Jersey. If you are approaching the process of guardianship or  adoption , it makes sense to consult with one of these legal experts. Not only can a lawyer help you choose the best option, but they can also guide you through the process in an efficient manner. The Two Options Available to You Kinship Legal Guardianship:  Popular among grandparents and relatives, this allows you to get children out of foster care and into a st